Leadership team

Hernan Bucheli, Ed.D.
Vice president for strategic enrollment management and student success
University Innovation Alliance Liaison
Norman Bedford
Norm Bedford
Associate vice president for student financial services
Katherine Drumm, Ph.D.
Assistant vice president for university advising and technologies
Michael Flannigan photo
Michael S. Flanigan, Ed.D.
Associate vice president for strategic initiatives and project management
Sybil C. Halloran
Sybil C. Halloran, Ph.D.
Senior associate vice president for strategic enrollment management
Susan Oshea
Susan O'Shea, CPA, MEd
Assistant vice president for SEMSS administration and operations
Daphne Rankin, Ph.D.
Daphne Rankin, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Special Programs
Alison Steigerwald, Ph.D.
Special Advisor to the Vice President of SEMSS & UIA Fellow
Seth Sykes
Seth Sykes, Ph.D.
Associate vice president for transfer initiatives and programs
Inta “Maggie” Tolan, Ed.D.
Inta (Maggie) Tolan, Ed.D.
Senior associate vice president for student success
Jessica Lindsey
Executive Assistant to the Vice President Division of Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Success