2025 Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Survey FAQ's

What is the Student Satisfaction Survey?

VCU's Student Satisfaction Survey is an important online tool that helps the administration identify students' priorities, as well as the university's strengths and challenges. The survey covers a range of topics including instruction, advising, safety, registration, financial aid, campus life, etc.

Why is it important?

The survey is important because it provides the collective voice of all VCU students on what is most important to them and how well VCU performs in those areas. It provides vital information for continuous improvement of our university.

Who is being asked to participate?

All undergraduate, graduate and first professional students at VCU are invited to participate in the survey.

How can I take the survey?

On Wednesday, March 19, 2025, each VCU student will receive a personalized link to the survey via email. Click on the link and you will be sent to a participation page. Then click on the "Start your survey" box. Additional instructions are included on this page. The survey will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete and must be completed in one sitting.

Will there be an ADA-compliant version available?

Yes. After you click on the link within the invitation email, the next page where you will begin the survey will have an ADA-compliant version link that you can select.

If my email is personalized, are my responses confidential?

Yes. VCU is working with an outside vendor, Ruffalo Noel-Levitz (RNL), to administer the survey. All data is collected and maintained by RNL. Results are aggregated and returned to VCU's Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support for analysis.

I can't find the original email. Can I still take the survey?

Yes. A second email will be sent on a later date.

Can I really earn prizes for participating in the survey?

Yes! Every student who completes the survey by the deadline will be entered into a random drawing for great prizes.

When does the survey end?

The last day to complete the survey is April 21, 2025.

I still have questions. Who can I contact for more information?

If you have additional questions, please send an email to the Office of Planning and Decision Support at irds@vcu.edu.